Done well, restoration will actually increase value - and it may even save a damaged or dirty painting. An experienced professional can stop flaking paint and correct other problems that will decrease your painting’s value if left untreated. We can reverse old or inferior treatments done in the past and reveal details in a painting that enhance the appearance, educate the viewer and add value.

PAR specializes in treating paintings, but we may be able to refer you to conservators in other fields who can help you with your works on paper, your sculpture or framing.

Varnish discolors over time, so it’s important to have your painting tested. Discoloration may present as yellowing, but it could also appear as an orange, brown, red or gray layer. Dust accumulation, grime from pollutants, smoking residue, and even pet hair are common reasons a painting may begin to look murky, or darker than it used to.

Please start with our Treatment Inquiry form on this page to supply some basic information so we can discuss the next steps. Feel free to download photos to send us, kindly limiting each to 1 MB. A clear detail photo of specific damage will help.
Please note: we will need to see your art in person to give you an estimate.
We do not provide estimates, “ballparks,” “rough guesses,” or “just a vague idea of the cost,” from a photograph because we believe in honesty and accuracy. This is maintained by seeing the work in person. If you are unable to bring the art to PAR, please speak with us about delivery options or an onsite visit, and we will work to accommodate you.

Each painting has different needs and is considered individually. Extremely simple issues are often resolved in 1 to 2 months while severely damaged works or complicated treatments will take longer.

First, protect the surface (the face) of the painting. Wrapping a painting in glassine or another kind of paper is preferable. Wrapping a painting in a sheet or a blanket can allow threads to catch and dislodge loose paint flakes. Never put bubble wrap directly against a painting’s face. Corrugated cardboard is an excellent way to protect a wrapped painting. Score and fold the cardboard to fit the painting snugly and tape it closed. Feel free to call us if you need assistance in wrapping pastel or heavily flaking art. If the painting is framed but you can remove the frame safely, that will lighten your load, but if you are unable to remove the frame, PAR will de-frame and re-fit the art to its frame after treatment for a small fee. PAR can recommend delivery services if you are unable to bring the painting to us.

PAR can recommend appraisers we have worked with, but it is a conflict of interest for a restorer to appraise a painting.

We’re happy to prepare condition and treatment reports for insurance companies. Please photograph the damaged work as soon as possible and contact us. We will help you get approval for restoration costs by documenting the damage and recommending the best plan of treatment.

We’re happy to help with the care and repair of your art. Please complete the form below, and we will contact you as soon as possible.